
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

It is an In Vitro Fertilization procedure in which a single sperm is injected directly into an egg. When the sperm count is very low, then a single sperm is injected into the egg.

Even if sperms are absent in the ejaculate, and then sperm can be extracted from testis (Testicular Sperm extraction). ICSI needs a micromanipulator with which an egg is held by suction and with a sharp needle a single sperm is injected and the fertilization is achieved. It is a boon for the couple where the routine IVF is not successful because of failed fertilization by conventional IVF or where the sperm count is very low or sperms are nonmotile. ICSI now offers men with poor semen parameters a chance of achieving a pregnancy.

Who does ICSI help

  • Men with an extremely low sperm count, low motility, or a high percentage of sperm with abnormal morphology.
  • A low fertilization rate (or no fertilization) demonstrated by conventional IVF.
  • Poor embryo quality felt to be secondary to a sperm problem with conventional IVF.
  • Men requiring testicular aspiration or biopsy to obtain viable sperm

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