

UI is the process in which the sperms are washed, concentrated and is placed directly into the woman’s uterus for the purpose of impregnating the female by using means other than sexual intercourse.

IUI is used as an assisted reproductive technology, using either sperm from the woman’s male partner or sperm from a sperm donor (donor sperm) in cases where the male partner produces no sperm or the woman has no male partner (i.e., single women). In cases where donor sperm is used the woman is the gestational and genetic mother of the child produced and the sperm donor is the genetic or biological father of the child.

Who does it help?

  • Mild male infertility
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Ovulatory dysfunction, PCOS
  • Mild endometriosis
  • Cervical factors
  • Coital problems
  • Immunological factors
  • HIV, HBs Ag Infection
  • Donor Sperms


Ovulation Induction (OI) is given to the female partner in the form of drugs or hormone injections. Once ovulation has been confirmed the male partner produces a semen sample. This semen sample is then prepared in the laboratory by the Embryologist. The aim of the preparation process is to harvest a good number of motile, normal-looking sperm. The prepared sperm is then introduced, through a fine catheter, into the woman’s uterus. The success rate for IUI is typically 15%-20% per cycle. IUI can be repeated for 3 to 4 cycles, beyond which it may not be beneficial & the couple may require IVF.

What are the chances of Success

The success rate for IUI is typically 15% – 20% per treatment cycle.

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